Gum Infection Symptoms and How to Get Rid of Them at Home

Gum Infection SymptomsGum infection symptoms are easy to see but the damage they can cause can take much longer to build up.

If you have some gum infection symptoms right now – you might want to check through this page to try and identify your problems.

When you have done that – I will outline a natural home remedy that will clear away your gum problems quickly, and get your gums pink and healthy again.

Are Your Gum Infection Symptoms Real ?
Gum infections can be caused by a number of things and it’s important to know the cause before you can deal with the problem effectively.

Any dental work you might have had recently could give you the impression you have a gum infection.

Sometimes, the fitting of a crown that doesn’t quite fit, can give you a localized gum swelling.

Likewise, badly fitting dentures that need some adjustment can produce the same effect.

In fact – any mouth trauma, whether due to dental work or some unintentional impact to the jaw can give a false reading that might begin to look like gum infection symptoms.

What Are Gum Infection Symptoms ?

You may notice any of the following gum infection symptoms.

As someone who has suffered many of these in the past, I can describe them with some accuracy:

Red Gums

When gums are infected, they tend to lose their natural pink healthy look. Where the infection is either local or general, you may see that your gums have become darker red in color.

Sore or Painful Gums
Pain can become quite intense and it may stop you from sleeping. If the pain is acute, you will find that you are unable to think about anything else for most of the time.

Sometimes the pain feels like an ache. You might find you get a dull ache when you bite hard on food.

This can also make teeth feel sensitive and you may react to hot or cold food and drinks.

Bleeding Gums

One of the most dramatic gum infection symptoms is bleeding gums.

As you brush your teeth or floss, and as you spit in the wash basin, you are alarmed to see traces of blood – sometimes this can be quite significant.


You may experience an abscess on one, or more teeth.

This will usually show itself as a gum swelling that is very tender to the touch.

Your abcess is likely to be a swollen pus-filled area on a tooth (or teeth) that is often between the gum and tooth, or it may be down at the root of the tooth.

These types of abscess are often extremely painful and can give a throbbing sensation, as it may be pressing against a nerve.

Canker Sores (Mouth Ulcers)

Although not directly linked to gum disease – Canker Sores and Mouth Ulcers can be every bit as painful and difficult to get rid of.

(You can read more about Canker sores by clicking here > > > More About Canker Sores)

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are often an indication that there is an abcess, as I just mentioned, or it may be evidence of gum infection symptoms of a more general nature.

Receding Gums

Although receding gums can be caused by an existing oral trauma, the most common cause is gum disease. As plaque accumulates under the gumline, this causes the gums to move away from the teeth.

Loose Teeth

As gum disease becomes chronic, as a result of not taking appropriate action to halt the problem, teeth can become loose. In extreme cases, teeth can be lost altogether.

How Gum Infection Symptoms Start

Gum infection symptoms can be long-lasting and will normally get worse if not given an appropriate treatment to deal with the disease and allow gums to recover naturally.

Conventional treatments can include antibiotics,  laser treatment and dental surgery – none of which are permanent solutions to the problems you are experiencing with your gums.

Gum infections and gum disease are mostly one and the same thing.

It’s possible to have a temporary gum infection due to dental treatment, but the majority of gum infection symptoms are the result of deteriorating oral health, which is likely to become more frequent and/or worsen in severity if effective treatment is not applied.

Gum infection symptoms are either caused or worsened by the harmful bacteria that lives in every human mouth.

Over the years, this bacteria has accumulated as tartar and plaque under the gum-line and these bacteria-laden deposits will eat away bone tissue and loosen gums, causing the gum disease symptoms listed above.

Treatments for Gum Infection Symptoms ?

The ONLY way to stop this attack and the resulting gum problems is to destroy your oral bacteria daily – to allow your gums to recover naturally.

Antibiotics will sometimes destroy the bad bacteria for a short while – but they also destroy many other beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and support your immune system.

So – as a general rule – I would always avoid antibiotics as a treatment for gum infections (or anything else) – unless I was faced with a life-threatening illness where antibiotics were my only option for a safe recovery.

Using a natural bacteria inhibitor that can be regularly applied local ly is the safest and most reliable solution to this gum disease problem.

Read more about gum disease > > > Gum Disease

Natural Home Treatments for Gum Infection Symptoms ?

A natural essential oil-based product with powerful anti-fungal, antisceptic and anti-bacterial properties is going to be the most efficient answer to your gum infection symptoms.

A safe oil-based product applied directly into your mouth will penetrate into hard to reach areas – such as, under the gum-line – where most of the gum disease and gum infection symptoms begin and are located.

Another huge benefit that comes with an oil based remedy, is that it ‘clings’ to the affected parts and isn’t easily rinsed away. This means it continues to work long after you have applied it.

Dental Pro 7 is the leading natural oil-based gum disease and gum infection solution that has been extremely successful in stopping pain, damage and all the gum infection symptoms listed above.

Learn more about Dental Pro 7 here > > > Dental Pro 7 Full Details

Manufactured from a scientifically formulated blend of pure essential oils, Dental Pro 7 was created specifically to target and destroy the 22 destructive micro-organisms that live in the human mouth.

By using this product in place of your regular toothpaste and mouthwash (both of which contain either irritant chemicals and/or alcohol) – you can easily destroy and control your oral bacteria.

Destroying this bacteria allows your gums to recover their natural glow and healthy appearance.

While deep-seated damage may take a while to eradicate, most users notice a real improvement after a few days, and clean fresh breath is a benefit that is noticed almost immediately.

To view inspiring user feedback and testimonials, plus more in-depth information about Dental Pro 7 and how it works – click here now > > > Dental Pro 7 Website.



We hope this article helps you identify your gum infection symptoms as well as giving you an excellent solution to the problem.

We wish you great health.

Natural Health Advocates




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Dental Pro 7 Review – Is It REALLY Worth the Money?

Dental Pro 7 Review – In this Dental Pro 7 Review I want to show you how I value this natural gum disease product against regular gum disease advice you may already know about.

At the end of the day – when you look at paying money to cure a problem – you want to be sure you’re not wasting your money.

Usually – we don’t mind paying for something that works well and delivers great results – but we become angry and disappointed when we feel cheated.

So the point of this Dental Pro 7 Review is to examine whether you will get good value for your money.

The first important point to make regarding your money – Dental Pro 7 is actually guaranteed unconditionally. So if you aren’t pleased with the results you get (for whatever reason) you will be refunded every cent you paid.

You can see the guarantee on the Dental Pro 7 website… (You’ll find a link at the end of this article)

So – as far as risk is concerned – your money is completely safe. If the product performs well – you will be happy. If the product fails for any reason to match your expectations – you get all your money back.

Dental Pro 7 Review
Does It REALLY Work ?

I presume you have some form of gum disease and that is why you are looking for a Dental Pro 7 review.

Gum disease can take many forms and is often called gingivitis or periodontal disease.

But it’s the symptoms of gum disease that are most distressing.

These symptoms may include:

  • Sore gums.
  • Red gums.
  • Receding gums.
  • Swollen gums.
  • Painful gums.
  • Bleeding gums and
  • Loose teeth.

You might also be troubled by canker sores and mouth ulcers that refuse to heal.

Dental Pro 7 is designed as a natural remedy for all these problems.

But – does it work ?

Dental Pro 7 Review
What Job Does It Do ?

Dental Pro 7 really has only one major task to perform, but it’s a very important one.

Dental Pro 7 has been scientifically formulated by Daniel Sanderson (its creator – whosuffered from chronic gum disease) – to target and destroy the harmful bacteria that lives in your mouth.

Oral bacteria is the cause of gum disease and there are 22 different kinds of these destructive organisms that live in every human mouth.

If they are allowed to live and multiply unchecked, these bacteria will stick to your teeth in the form of a slimy deposit you can feel with your tongue at the end of every day.

This deposit hardens to form tartar, which hardens even further to form the plaque that your dental hygienist needs to scrape away during norman dental visits.

Dental Pro 7 works to destroy this bacteria. As it’s made entirely of pure essential oils, Dental Pro 7 remains in your mouth for a long time after brushing your teeth and thiso prevents the bacteria from multiplying out of control.

Bt doing this, you are likely to reduce your plaque build-up.

Many people find this reduces the number of times they need to visit the dentist. This can make a significant saving in your annual dental costs.

Dental Pro 7 Review
What Else Can It Do ?

As I already said – Dental Pro 7 is a blend of oils. Oil is able to work it’s way into tiny holes and crevices in a way that other liquids can’t.

Why is this important ?

Only 30% of your teeth are visible when you smile. The other 70% are covered by your gums.

However, the problem you have is that the bacteria is able to penetrate under your gums and down your teeth and this is where the real problem lies.

Because you can’t clean down there – the build-up of tartar and plaque goes on, day after day unchecked, until you start to get some gum disease symptoms.

This is noy unusual as 75% of adults wordwide suffer from some form of gum disease.

The goos part about Dental Pro 7 is that this oil is able to easily penetrate down the length of your teeth when you brush, to attack and destroy the bacteria that you can’t reach.

With Dental Pro 7 you now have an effective weapon against your gum disease problems.

By destroying your bacteria on a daily basis – this allows damaged gums to heal themselves. This is similar to a cut finger which will grow new skin if kept clean and free from germs.

So – is Dental Pro 7 really worth the money ?

In my opinion – it’s a no-brainer. If you stop your gum disease – heal the damage – cut your dental costs – and prevent a further over-growth of the harmful bacteria, then perhaps it’s cheap at twice the price!

A further nice benefit is the fact that the bacteria you will be destroying, is the cause of bad breath. It excretes foul smelling sulfurous deposits right into your mouth.

By killing the harmful bacteria, Dental Pro 7 allows you to wake in the morning without that awful smelly mouth that is anti-social and embarrassing.

To See Your 3 Treatment Options > > > CLICK HERE

Dental Pro 7 Review
What’s All the Fuss About ?

You are probably here because you have some gum problems that need urgent attention.

Gum disease symptoms, whether redness, swelling, pain, receding or bleeding, are not something you can safely ignore.

Once gum disease has a hold on you, it must be dealt with sooner rather than later as these symptoms will onlyu get worse. In the most severe cases, this can lead to loose or lost teeth, which will affect you in so many ways.

Gum disease has also been linked to an increase in heart problems, hardening of the arteries and strokes.

The research was carried out by scientists in several western countries, including the USA, Great Britain and Australia – so their findings cannot be doubted.

The scientists are saying that the infections from gum disease can easily work its way into your blood, which is then pumped aroung your body – and this can have disaterous results over time.

So gum disease is not just an inconvenience – it’s something you need to resolve – and the quicker the better.

Which brings me to the other treatments you might consider instead of Dental Pro 7.

Dental Pro 7 Review
What’s the Alternative ?

Naturally – when you have gum problems you will head strainght for your dentist’s surgery.

The only problem is that your dentist cannot actually stop or prevent the bacteria that multiplies in your mouth.

And this is why you Dentist will NEVER guarantee his/her work. It would be professional suicide.

So no matter how much expensive surgery, deep cleaning and scraping they do – dentists can only clean up some of the superficial and cosmetic damage caused by gum disease.

They can’t actually stop your gum disease, nor can they prevent it from returning again and again.

So you will give hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars to your dentist – suffer a considerable amount of discomfort – and be no closer to ending your battle with this unpleasant problem.

Dentists also recommend that you should clean your teeth more often with a fluoride toothpaste and floss more frequently and use a mouthwash.

Unfortunately – these products are full of chemicals which will aggravate tender gums.

Your fluoride toothpaste contains sodium lauryl silfate. which is a well-known irritant and mouthwash can contain up to 27% alcohol, which will make your mouth dry and encourage the bacteria over-growth.

Besides which, incresing the amount of brushing and flossing is only going to make your gums more sore.

Dental Pro 7 Review
It’s the Best Remedy and Value

This is why Dental Pro 7 is your best and safest bet for completely getting rid of your gum disease and bad breath.

No matter how advanced the problem – Dental Pro 7 will immediately start destroying your oral bacteria.

As long as you keep using this product (which is guaranteed), it will prevent the damaging overgrowth from coming back again.

This will allow your gums to recover and it won’t involve any additional brushing and flossing above your regular twice a day.

Additionally – your breath will be clean and fresh and you will most likely need fewer dental visits for teeth cleaning – which will save you money.

I have used this product and have personally found it to do exactly what it claims.

If you want pink healthy gums that you can maintain free from gum disease, I recommend that you order some Dental Pro 7 and use it instead of your regular toothpaste and mouthwash.


Order Dental Pro 7  Now > > > Dental Pro 7 Website



In this Dental Pro 7 review We have tried to show how this product is unbeatable value for your money. I hope you have found it useful.

We wish you great health…

Natural Health Advocates




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