If you have bleeding gums and are searching for a treatment, it’s important that you don’t delay getting this properly and effectively sorted out.
Also – it’s good that you have arrived at this page – because you will now discover some important information about your bleeding gums.
You will also learn how to easily stop your gums bleeding – for good.
This Is More Dangerous than Many People Realize
Bleeding gums are an early indication of Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease.
At the risk of sounding over-dramatic – if you don’t act speedily you could be in danger of contracting life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, pancreatic cancer and other serious illnesses.
And this is not idle speculation or scaremongering. There is a substantial body of international scientific evidence that supports these warnings.
“How Can Bleeding Gums Be Dangerous ?”
The physical explanation is quite simple. At this present moment – large numbers of harmful bacteria (millions – possibly billions of micro-organisms) are present in your mouth. If you are experiencing swollen and/or bleeding gums, your blood circulatory system already contains every type of organism that is present in your mouth.
Fortunately – our body oftentimes gives us warning indications that all is not well. Your bleeding gums are one such warning to take action before things become more serious.
“So Why Do My Gums Bleed ?”
An army of harmful bacteria live in the human mouth. It’s nothing personal – but your mouth is the perfect breeding ground for these little microbes. They multiply at an astonishing rate and as far as you and I are concerned – they create two main problems for us.
Problem #1
The bacteria survive by feeding off microscopic particles of food they find all over your mouth – even if you brush and floss regularly.
In return for being fed – they excrete foul-smelling sulferous deposits straight into your mouth. It is these deposits that cause a sour taste and the bad breath so many adults suffer from.
Problem #2
Far more serious – and the main subject of this page – is the continuous action of the bacteria depositing a sticky film all over your teeth. This film hardens to form the plaque your dentist chips away each time you go for a check-up.
Unfortunately, this hardened plaque also forms and accumulates down under the gum line where it’s not seen, and can’t be physically removed without painful and costly dental procedures.
This Is the Cause of Your Bleeding Gums
The below-the-gum-line plaque eventually leads to all sorts of gum problems that will almost certainly get progressively more serious and more damaging as time passes.
The bleeding gums you may be experiencing right now will most likely be coming from swellings and pockets that form as a result of this bacteria and the damage they cause. The pockets will continue to enlarge and gums may recede providing further visual evidence of advancing gum disease.
What Happens If You Take No Action
With plenty of food available, oral bacteria can multiply very quickly in a warm mouth. As gums begin to soften and swell, the bacteria will produce toxins and begin to eat away at the bone of the tooth and the soft gum tissue.
If this deterioration is left unchecked your bleeding gums – (which are just an indication of what’s going on underneath) – can easily lead to receding gums and periodontal disease over time – and eventually lost teeth and/or serious medical conditions in extreme cases.
It is important to note that this condition is actually destroying your gum tissue and the bone of your teeth.
“Can My Dentist Stop My Gums Bleeding ?”
Dentists do a fantastic job and we really value their skills – but they can’t cure bleeding gums.
Your dentist will probably suggest that you floss more regularly and maybe use a mouthwash frequently – but as I will describe shortly – mouthwash can be an irritant to tender gums and soft tissue in your mouth.
Dentists frequently resort to surgical procedures to try and correct damage caused by gum disease – but while these surgical approaches are good for business, they don’t actually solve the underlying problem that’s causing the condition.
Additionally – these dental procedures are typically painful and very costly.
“Does My Regular Toothpaste and Mouthwash Help ?”
Most people unwittingly use a regular toothpaste and mouthwash for much of their lives. Many of us don’t realize we may be making the situation worse by doing so.
Contrary to what the TV ads say – the toothpaste and mouthwash you buy in the supermarket or over the pharmacy counter contain a cocktail of chemicals that is added to make the product taste and feel OK.
These chemical additives are there for marketing purposes only. The foaming agents, alcohol, artificial sweeteners and flavors are not added to these products to make any improvement to your oral health.
Alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate are frequently among the chemicals in your toothpaste and mouthwash. Although these products are recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) they are well known as skin irritants in laboratory tests.
Why would you want to continue using these products on sore and diseased gums?
“What Can I Do To Stop My Gums Bleeding ?”
The answer to this question is more straightforward than you might think. A vital part of stopping the gum disease that’s making your gums bleed is destroying the harmful bacteria that are the cause of all this deterioration.
Most importantly – because the bacteria can regenerate and multiply so quickly – you must also continue to eliminate these microbes every day to ensure they stop causing the ongoing damage.
Here’s How You Can Stop Your Bleeding Gums Easily and Safely at Home Without Costly and Painful Dental Procedures . . .
Dental Pro 7 is a completely natural product that’s made entirely from pure essential oils.
Although Dental Pro 7 contains no drugs – no chemicals – and no additives of any kind – it is nonetheless a very powerful anti-bacterial gum treatment.
Two drops on your toothbrush twice a day (morning and night) will destroy the harmful bacteria and allow your gums to recover naturally. Without the constant presence of these micro-organisms, your mouth will recover remarkably quickly and the bleeding will stop . . . (guaranteed – or your money back).
“How Does Dental Pro 7 Work ?”
Because it’s an oil, Dental Pro 7 quickly spreads throughout your mouth as you brush. Not only does it clean your teeth so they feel very smooth, it also works its way between your teeth and down below your gum line, killing the bacteria on contact.
Oil is not easily washed away, so even though you rinse after brushing, the coating of Dental Pro 7 remains, making your mouth into a bacteria-free zone.
Dental Pro 7 Reduces Your Plaque
Although it’s the bacteria that starts the gum problems, the plaque generated by the bacteria also causes significant damage. The plaque will – in time – cause gums to recede by pushing the gums away fr9m the teeth so they shrink back.
Dental Pro 7 works to reduce the formation of new plaque – both above and below the gum line – as well as reducing and softening the old calcified plaque.
Although this is not an instant effect, regular daily use of Dental Pro 7 in place of your regular toothpaste and mouthwash will slowly diminish the old plaque deposits.
Many users report that their plaque has got softer and is relatively easy to clean away. Less plaque can mean less frequent routine dental visits, which should result in noticeable savings over the years ahead.
Other Benefits of Using Dental Pro 7
As someone who previously suffered from a range of gum problems, I found a welcome additional benefit was the instant transformation of my breath. Whereas it had been stale and sour for many years – now it was fresh and odor-free. this was especially noticeable first thing in the morning. Waking with fresh breath is a pleasure I never quite get used to – it’s always a pleasure.
Dental Pro 7 also makes an ideal mouthwash – for additional protection.
A couple of drops in a little water rinsed around the mouth, soon freshens your breath.
Also – carrying a bottle in your pocket or purse gives you additional confidence as a breath freshener after eating strong food (such as garlic) or coffee, cheese etc.
The writer of this page has personally used Dental Pro 7 to cure chronic bad breath as well as swollen and bleeding gums caused by gum disease. I can happily recommend this product as being fully effective in halting bad breath and gum disease.
You can read more customer reviews of Dental Pro 7 by clicking this link and going to the Dental Pro 7 website – where you can also place an order > > > Dental Pro 7 Website
I wish you the very best of health.