How to Treat Loose Teeth at home and stop them falling out

How to treat loose teeth at home – Now that you’ve found one or more loose teeth, you will no doubt be in a state of shock.

Like most other people, you’ve probably taken good care of your teeth, and imagined they would be safe and sound in your mouth for the rest of your life.

You’ve asked the question – how to treat loose teeth at home – for one of several reasons:

1) You believe your dentist will charge you a lot of money to correct the problem.

2) You feel some fear while sitting in the dentist’s waiting room – and you’d like to avoid those nerves.

3) You have experienced pain at the dentist before, and are imagining more pain while your dentist deals with your loose teeth.

At the end of this article, I will show you exactly how to treat loose teeth at home, so you can avoid high costs and deeply uncomfortable dental surgery.

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How to Treat Loose Teeth
What Are the Options Available to Me?

If you imagine your dentist will charge you plenty of money, then you’re absolutely right.

Your dentist has three options to offer you:

1) Pull your loose teeth out and replace them with implants.

2) Try and tie your loose teeth to adjacent firm teeth, in the hope that things will improve to allow the loose teeth to become firm again.

3) Perform some invasive surgery, that involves digging down under your gums to remove any visible areas of gum disease. Gum disease being the #1 cause of teeth becoming loose in the first place.

All three options will be expensive, and no doubt, there will be some pain involved – particularly with the last option.

If gum disease is the problem behind your loose teeth, your dentist will be unable to treat your gum disease for the long term, as effective treatment requires daily attention, and your gum disease will inevitably return again to create more problems.

Will My Loose Teeth Firm up Again
Without Me Having to Have Any Treatment?

It’s quite natural to Hope that things will get better by themselves. Unfortunately, this is not realistic in this case.

As gum disease is a progressive infection, it can only get worse, unless an effective treatment is applied.

If your gum disease deteriorates, it’s highly likely that you’re loose teeth will become seriously endangered, and will probably fall out.

While that would be an unpleasant experience, the bad news gets worse.

It has been shown in numerous studies carried out in the USA, Australia and UK, that leaving gum disease and treated, is a potential cause of cancer.

The poison from your gum disease can spread around the body, opening the door for cancer to take hold, which invariably leads to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and sometimes surgery.

As is often the case, these harsh treatments are often ineffective, and the side effects of these chemical treatments can be severe.

While lost teeth and cancer are clearly the worst-case scenarios, there is really no other sensible plan other than dealing effectively with your gum disease and avoiding further problems ahead of you.

Modern toothpastes and mouthwash products also contain harsh chemicals, which do little to help sensitive gums, and could conceivably make matters worse.

I Trust My Dentist Completely
Why Do You Say He Can’t Help?

It’s quite simple really… while your dentist is excellent at looking after your teeth, he doesn’t have a suitable treatment for gum disease.

Your dentist may offer you some expensive surgery, but none of these treatments will permanently eliminate your gum disease.

The only way to destroy gum disease, is to kill the bacteria that causes the spread of this illness.

But it’s no good killing them once, you need to kill them on a daily basis so your gums can recover.

When your gums regain their strength, they will re establish a firm grip on your loose teeth.

You can do this yourself most effectively at home, without any need for a dentist’s intervention.

How Can I Destroy My Gum Disease
And Avoid Having to Lose My Teeth?

Understanding what causes gum disease, makes it much easier to choose your solution for dealing with it effectively.

We have already concluded that doing nothing is not a safe option, as this will most likely lead to your gum disease getting worse, and this could result in your loose teeth becoming so loose, they could fall out altogether.

There is also the proven potential for untreated gum disease to enter the bloodstream and pass round your body, which could lead to cancer.

It has also been pointed out that your dentist doesn’t have a satisfactory long-term solution.

It’s the bacteria that lives in your mouth that has caused all your gum problems.

Although you have no doubt been careful to brush and floss your teeth regularly, these things alone will not destroy the gun disease causing bacteria, that is constantly multiplying and causing damage.

This bacteria is able to work its way down under your guns where brushing and flossing (no matter how efficiently carried out) will not be able to reach.

The bacteria is responsible for tartar and plaque buildup under your guns, and is the cause of all the unpleasant gum disease symptoms, including receding gums and loose teeth.

Dental Pro 7 Is without Doubt
The Best Gum Disease Remedy


Your teeth are held in place by firm and healthy gums. If your gums become unhealthy, they can fail to hold your teeth firmly.

If the cause of your unhealthy gums is gum disease, the best remedy is Dental Pro 7.

To put it bluntly – you really have three options…


You could visit your dentist, who will offer you solutions that will be expensive and uncomfortable. Also, if gum disease is your problem (it affects 75% of adults worldwide) – your dentist does not have a long-term remedy for gum disease.

The third option is to effectively tackle the bacteria that weakening your gums. Dental Pro 7 is guaranteed to do this… it comes with a moneyback guarantee, which your dentist certainly won’t offer you!

Click on the image above to get full details about Dental Pro 7 and what it can do for you…

We wish you the very best of health…

Natural Health Advocates



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Mouthwash for Gums | Which Mouthwash Brands to Avoid

Mouthwash for gums – Which mouthwash brands to avoid … Every morning and evening you reach for your regular bottle of mouthwash, in the belief that you’re leaving your mouth clean and fresh – but in reality, you could potentially be damaging your health.

One of the attractions of mouthwash is that you believe an early morning zing with a “minty fresh” mouthwash will clean your breath and set you right for the day ahead.

Similarly, you probably assume that a bad breath killing mouthwash sluice around your mouth, after brushing and flossing before bed, is the best solution for a healthy mouth while you sleep.

Sadly – nothing could be further from the truth!

[I will tell you about some natural mouthwash products (with gum disease destroying qualities) at the end of this article…]

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Mouthwash for Gums and Fresh Breath
Which Chemical Mouthwash Brands to Avoid

Whether you have healthy gums and are looking for the best available mouthwash brands, or you’re suffering from gum disease and need a mouthwash for gums and fresh breath, there are a few things you should be aware of.

So you can identify which mouthwash brands will be the kindest and most beneficial for your gums and general health, you should be very aware of the ingredients that go into your favourite mouthwash brands.

This is particularly important if your gums are sensitive, as they are highly likely to be, if you have gum disease, and you’re searching for a mouthwash for gums that will help reduce the sensitivity and discomfort you’re currently having to endure.

Here is a list of ingredients that are to be found in modern mouthwash products, you might seriously consider avoiding:


I’ve put alcohol in mouthwash first, for a good reason.

Alcohol is socially a very acceptable drug. Since the end of Prohibition, alcohol has been sold in wine, beer spirits and a huge range of similar products around the world.

There are few things more unremarkable than social drinking, so the addition of alcohol in mouthwash (which is very common indeed) scarcely raises an eyebrow – what could be more normal?!

However, sluicing alcohol around your mouth twice a day, could lead to cancer of the mouth as years pass.

Check the label om your favourite mouthwash bottle. If it contains alcohol, you should strongly consider changing to another brand.


Chlorhexidine is a chemical frequently used in regular toothpastes and mouthwash.

It has disinfectant and antibacterial properties, and is frequently used in hospitals to avoid the spread of bacteria during operations.

Although it is a constituent of many regular oral care products and it’s frequently found in many mouthwash brands, especially mouthwash for gums and those expressly distributed as an aid towards combating gum disease, Chlorhexidine is not without some side-effects you may care to avoid.

Chlorhexidine has been tested by various authorities and is considered safe to use, however its side-effects include being a skin irritant, and with the potential to stain teeth.

It is still not clear whether Chlorhexidine causes, or contributes to cancer in humans, however, the US Federal Drug Agency (FDA) strongly recommends the use of mouthwash containing this chemical should be limited to a maximum of six months.

Putting carcinogenic fears to one side, just on the basis of it being a proven skin irritant, swilling this chemical around your tender mouth twice a day, doesn’t sound like a great idea.


Hexetidine is a chemical antiseptic, frequently used to treat mouth infections, such as oral thrush, ulcers and gum disease.

It is often given to patients after dental procedures, to disinfect the mouth and prevent bacterial infections.

Applications in these instances are typically short term. However, when used in mouthwash, exposure to this chemical is likely to be twice daily over an extended period.

The known side effects of Hexetidine (i.e. only those released by the manufacturers) can include irritation of the mouth or tongue, soreness, burning sensation or itching. It can also affect taste and may induce temporary numbness of the mouth.

(The potential side effects listed above, may not be experienced by everyone, but these side-effects can be experienced by certain individuals)

If mouthwash containing this chemical comes into contact with eyes or ears, it should be rinsed away immediately.

It is recommended that mouthwash containing Hexetidine should be spat out. It is thought that accidental swallowing of small amounts, may not be harmful, but no conclusive information on this is available.

No information has been released on whether mouthwash containing Hexetidine is safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. In the absence of information to the contrary, “official” recommendations are that it is safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, although it is also officially considered as unsafe for use by children under 6 years of age.

If it’s unsafe for young children, why would it be safe for babies to potentially ingest this chemical via their mother’s milk?


All known side-effects from using Methyl Salicylate are restricted to those released by the manufacturers.

Although Methyl Salicylate Topical is an analgesic balm, it’s relevant to note the potential side-effects from using this cream (which is manufactured under 64 brand names), as the advice has some relevance if this chemical is an ingredient in the mouthwash on your bathroom shelf.

In the topical version of this chemical, it is recommended that it should not be used by any child under the age of twelve.

You should take particular care when applying this chemical if you have any allergies, and in particular, allergic reactions from taking aspirin.

No information has been released about any potential harm that could be caused by this chemical during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It’s probably advisable for mothers and children to avoid this product, unless specific information is released following authentic testing.

Surprisingly, the medical advice is, that you should avoid getting this chemical in your mouth, rectum or vagina, and if so, you should rinse off immediately. Obviously, when it’s an ingredient of mouthwash, you would be taking this chemical, albeit in a dilute form, into your mouth.

Methyl salicylate topical potential side effects also include severe burning, pain, swelling, or blistering of the skin.

This doesn’t sound like a chemical you would want to see in your mouthwash.


once again, with Benzalkonium Chloride, we’re looking at the topical version of this chemical, which is also present in some mouthwash brands.

In the topical version, the potential side-effects and warnings are as follows:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction such as a skin Rash.
  • Hives.
  • Itching.
  • Red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin with or without fever.
  • Wheezing.
  • Tightness in the chest or throat.
  • Trouble breathing or talking.
  • Unusual hoarseness.
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Clearly, the amounts of Benzalkonium Chloride in a topical cream are likely to be considerably higher than in your mouthwash. However, regular small doses of this chemical in your mouthwash would seem to be an unnecessary risk to take.

Natural Mouthwash Brands without Chemicals
to Replace Your Existing Harmful Mouthwash

I have only been able to tell you about a small number of harmful ingredients manufacturers add to mouthwash, as space here is limited.

However, there are many more potentially harmful chemicals added to mouthwash, such as Cetylpyridinium Chloride and Methylparaben – and I can assure you, these are chemicals you wouldn’t want to put in your mouth, if you knew more about them.

There is a small number of completely natural mouthwash products available to you, which have been designed specifically to give you a fresh clean mouth, but without the potential for unpleasant and possibly life-threatening side-effects.

The first one, shown below, is a colloidal silver mouthwash, which is an excellent replacement for your existing chemical mouthwash.

The second one is Dental Pro 7, which is designed to replace both your regular toothpaste and your existing mouthwash. It was created from natural ingredients, and has a history of destroying chronic gum disease…

Health Ranger Colloidal Silver Mouthwash

This mouthwash is a suitable replacement for your existing mouthwash.

It has a fresh minty taste and leaves your teeth and gums feeling fully refreshed, without any of the harmful chemicals present in most mouthwash products.

Health Ranger Select Colloidal Silver Mouthwash has been designed to freshen your breath and maximise oral health.

The colloidal silver additive cleanses, stops plaque, and encourages overall oral health naturally.

Ingredients include colloidal silver, tea tree oil, Black Walnut hulls and CoQ10 which works with your body’s natural ability to repair your teeth and gums .

Go to Health Ranger website > > > Health Ranger Website

Dental Pro 7 for Chronic Gum Disease


I have saved the very best till last…

Dental Pro 7 sets the gold standard in oral hygiene.

It was originally created from natural ingredients by Daniel Sanderson, to solve a range of gum disease problems.

Dental Pro 7 has been refined over the years, and although not available in retail outlets, and not on Amazon (even though Amazon says it does!) – It is available directly from the manufacturer, who ships worldwide.

Wherever you live on the planet, Dental Pro 7 will be shipped to you same day.

The natural ingredients in Dental Pro 7 (which you can learn about in detail on the Dental Pro 7 website) have been carefully selected to destroy gum disease, which then allows your gums to repair themselves.

One of the most exciting benefits of Dental Pro 7 is that it puts you in control of treating your gum disease, without the need of expensive and painful visits to your dentist.

Your dentist, will be happy to perform a range of dental surgical procedures, designed to mitigate the symptoms of gum disease. Unfortunately your dentist is not able to cure gum disease – but Dental Pro 7 can.

The manufacturer of Dental Pro 7 is so confident in this product, that you are given an unconditional moneyback guarantee!

Should Dental Pro 7 fail to impress you, or deliver any of the anticipated benefits, you will get your money back in full without question.

You can discover all you will need to know about Dental Pro 7, at the Dental Pro 7 website – where you can also read a number of detailed reviews and success stories from existing customers.

Dental Pro 7 isn’t the cheapest product on the market, but it is the best natural solution to gum disease problems on the market today.

Go to the Dental Pro 7 website here > > > Dental Pro 7 Website


Are you still not sure what to do?


To see your best options CLICK HERE

If you’re suffering from gum disease – doing nothing will allow your gums and teeth to deteriorate further. This will create a worse problem, and involve you with much higher expense and pain.

It’s been proven by international researchers, that gum disease is a gateway to cancer.

Your dentist can offer you a range of painful and expensive treatments. Digging down under your gums to scrape away pus and tartar/plaque, is not a permanent solution, because the gum disease is not being destroyed.

Dental Pro 7 is the ultimate solution for all gum disease problems. It replaces your regular toothpaste and mouthwash, and destroys harmful bacteria in your mouth that causes gum disease.

This allows your gums to recover and become healthy again, just like a cut finger will heal if kept free from germs.

Read the inspiring success stories of people who have saved their teeth and gums while restoring their oral health with Dental Pro 7 – click here > > > > Dental Pro 7 website

You originally asked about – mouthwash for gums – as you searched for mouthwash brands that would safely and naturally do the job.

I hope this article has given you the information you need.

We wish you the very best of health…

Natural Health Advocates



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