“OraMD® Reviews – My Personal Account
of Using OraMD® to Cure Chronic
Gum Disease and Bad Breath”
In these OraMD Reviews here, I will give you my personal review of OraMD and answer the question “Does OraMD Work” that so many people have asked me on this website.
I will also show you a collection of 18 OraMD customer testimonials from other people who have used OraMD to try and solve their gum and oral health problems.
“Is there Any Risk with OraMD® ?”
Obviously – you’re searching for “OraMD Reviews” because if you’re planning to spend any money on a product that makes some pretty outrageous claims – you want to research it as much as possible before laying your hard-earned cash on the table.
I quite understand your position – because those were my exact thoughts back in 2008 when I first discovered OraMD.
OraMD® Is Guaranteed for a Whole Year!
The immediate thing to point out is that OraMD offers you a whole one year (365 day) unconditional money-back guarantee.
So if you order OraMD and you are not happy with it in any way – if you feel it didn’t quite reach your expectations for whatever reason . . . just ask for your money back.
So point #1 – there’s no financial risk in trying OraMD and just think of the benefits to you if it should actually work!
When I first ordered OraMD I considered that a year was long enough to test out ANY product. If you don’t have a clear idea after 12 months – then that would be a bit unusual to say the least!
“What Do You Expect OraMD® to Do for You ?”
The other thing to mention before I tell you how I got going with OraMD is to do with the cost.
I don’t know what your gum problems are – but I imagine you have a bad breath issue or some sore or painful gums?
Maybe your gums bleed when you brush or floss?
Do you have some swelling or tenderness in the gums around your teeth?
Or perhaps you have some chronic Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease with all the associated receding gums, pockets and loose teeth?
No matter . . . based on personal experience – I am confident OraMD will permanently fix them all for you!
“How Much Will Your Dentist Charge You ?”
How much do you think you will pay for your dentist to fix your gum problems for you?
Are we talking small change?
Hmmmm – possibly not.
Are you thinking more like hundreds or probably thousands of dollars?
Well – for sure – your dentist will charge you a good sum of money for a job that will be painful, disruptive and will not ultimately fix your gum problems.
[To read why gum surgery for gum disease doesn’t work – click here > > > “Why Gum Surgery Fails”]
Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not anti-dentist. If anyone is going to drill my teeth while I am dribbling and speechless with a bunch of tubes in my mouth – I promise it will be my dentist – every time.
However – when it comes to gum disease and gum surgery and the fat fee he or she charges you for that invasive treatment – you can be sure your dentist will not give you a one year guarantee (or ANY gurantee) for the expensive work done on your gums.
Now You Have to Choose from 3 Options
So whatever happens – you basically have three choices:
1) You do nothing – which means your gums and gum disease will continue to deteriorate and your situation will worsen as time passes [Watch Whoopi Goldberg’s short video clip about how she lost teeth by doing nothing > > >Whooppee Goldberg’s Video]
2) You can ask your dentist for a dental procedure which might be a deep clean of your teeth that involves digging down under your gums to chip away accumulated plaque.
Or maybe some patch and repair work that will mean cutting away good gums to repair damaged gums.
As we already discussed – these will all be expensive procedures and uncomfortable and will not cure your gum disease. This means you will have to keep returning for more expense and more pain over the years ahead.
And – all this comes with no comforting guarantee for a year – on any work done by your dentist.
3) You can order OraMD with the comfort of a one year money-back guarantee, which is many many times cheaper than your dentist.
And because your gums and oral health will be in better shape, you will likely be able to cut back on your routine 3-monthly cleaning and scraping sessions with your dental hygienist
Back in 2007 I was in a sorry state with my gums.
I had horrible breath that I am sure was worse than the dog next door.
I was brushing and flossing regularly and considered I had a pretty good oral routine.
However, I was spitting blood into the wash basin after brushing and my gums were red and sore.
Nothing I did was working.
My dentist suggested more flossing and to make sure I was using a good quality flouride toothpaste (as recommended by the American Dental Association). I was also
to use a regular mouthwash that would help do the job.
I struggled with this for some time and it seemed that I was getting nowhere fast.
I scoured the Internet – as you do – and came up with a number of cures. remedies and treatments. Some offered a commercial solution and some were wacky home mixtures
I think it was the sheer number of positive customer reviews (You can see some HERE) that swung it for OraMD. Anyway – I ordered some and and started using it immediately by carefully following the instructions enclosed.
You put 2 to 5 drops on your toothbrush and brush twice a day and stop using your regular toothpaste and mouthwash.
You also put a couple of drops of OraMD in an ounce of water (I prefer warm water) and use it as a mouthwash.
I also carry a bottle with me (they’re quite a handy size for a pocket or purse). I find a single drop on the tongue after lunch and swilled around the mouth sorts out any garlic , coffee, cheese or other food odors and keeps things smelling fresh.
When you first try OraMD you are amazed at how strong the taste is. It’s strong – but pleasant and in a day or two it seems completely normal.
And then the immediate benefits kicked in.
Literally – almost instantly – my bad breath disappeared.
The joy of waking in the morning with fresh breath instead of the previous stale taste and foul smell, was worth the cost of OraMD just for this one reason alone.
However – there was more.
I noticed a drop in the blood I was spitting while brushing after a few days. And the bleeding gums stopped altogether after a couple of weeks or so.
Within a month – my gums were nice an pink and I had stopped covering my mouth when I was close to a work colleague.
All the old tubes of toothpaste and mouthwash went in the garbage as did the mints and flavored gum I had used to mask my bad breath in the past.
Would I recommend OraMD?
On the basis that it worked well for me – yes I would.
With a one year guarantee you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain if it works for you like it worked for me.
Now I have to give you a second review!
After a while using OraMD I got lazy with ordering this product.
One day I ran out of OraMD and went back to using toothpaste again.
Big mistake!
I now had completely healthy gums and as far as I was concerned – I was cured.
All seemed fine for a while.
I got on with my life and thought no more about it.
About nine months later I got some swelling around a molar at the back of my mouth and did nothing about it – figuring it would probably go down by itself (This is the standard male response to all matters medical).
However, the gum swelling didn’t go down and a few days later I had a terrible aching pain at the back of my upper jaw that nearly drove me mad with its intensity.
I was unable to get to sleep and my mind was completely taken over with this problem.
It happened again the next night – and the next.
I ordered some more bottles of OraMD which thankfully arrived quickly.
I started brushing immediately and using OraMD as a mouthwash in between meals.
I also applied OraMD directly to the swelling with my finger and gently massaging it in several times a day.
The agonizing pain slowed to something more bearable fairly quickly and within a few days the swelling was down.
After a week to 10 days my gums were back to normal.
So the moral of the story for me is that OraMD is not just a cure – it’s an important gum disease preventative.
Since then – I have never been without OraMD and I continue to use it daily. It is the only tooth and gum care product I use.
My family (wife and two kids) all use OraMD as does my mother (now in her 90s).
We had so many requests from friends that we were giving away bottles (not recommended as this stuff isn’t particularly cheap).
However – is it worth the money?
I know the alternatives are pretty grim and your well-meaning and expensive dentist can’t really offer a cure – so I happily recommend OraMD to anyone I meet who asks.
It worked for me and we have no gum problems in this family.
I hope that is helpful and I wish you great health
Read more HERE