Gum Surgery for Receding Gums Can be Avoided Altogether!

Gum surgery for receding gums can be avoided in certain cases – Of course, that thought totally contradicts almost everything we have been told by dentists and periodontists – but many people are discovering that it’s true.

First question to ask is . . . “Why do gums recede in the first place?”

There are a number of reasons.

“Why Gums Recede”

If you use a toothbrush with bristles that are too tough for delicate gums, this can damage your gum tissue. A rough oral cleansing program can clearly cause damage to your gums, which may contribute to gums receding.

Existing damage due to badly fitting dentures and other mouth traumas can also be a cause of receding gums.

However, the origin of receding gums for most of us is caused by the bacteria that lives in our mouths.

“How Does Bacteria Cause Receding Gums?”

Oral bacteria coats your teeth in thin slimy layers that contain millions of the bacteria themselves. By the end of the day you can feel the build-up just by running your tongue over your teeth. It feels rough, but mostly cleans off again after brushing and flossing.

However, the build-up is relentless. It never stops. The accumulation continues – day and night.

“It’s the Hidden Plaque that Starts the Damage”

The sticky layers that survive your brushing, harden into the plaque your dental hygienist chips away during regular dental visits.

The receding gum problem comes from the plaque that is constantly forming further down your teeth – under the gum-line where the bacteria easily gathers – but you can’t clean – and neither can your hygienist without costly and painful treatments.

As this hidden plaque builds up over time – usually over many years – it starts to have an adverse effect on your gums.

The plaque pushes your gums away from your teeth and your gums start to shrink back. Then one day when looking in the mirror you realize with horror that you are a victim of receding gums.

Read how severe gum problems have been reversed using a powerful and completely natural home remedy… sounds unlikely, but it’s worked for large numbers of people already… for full details – including case histories –  click here > > >  Natural Home Remedy for Gum Problems

Treatment for Receding GumsTo read more about why your dentist’s advice and treatment for receding gums may be wrong for you and . . . what you can do to try and avoid surgery for receding gums – click here > > > Read More . . .

We wish you the very best of health…

Natural Health Advocates




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